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SAVES Program

Skills for Academic, Vocational and English Studies (SAVES) is a federally funded program which addresses the educational and vocational needs of adult immigrants who are qualified as refugees, asylees (from any part of the world) or parolee/entrants (only from Cuba or Haiti). The program helps to facilitate the transition of participating students into the South Florida community by providing quality services.

The SAVES program pays:

  • Block tuition fees for students who register in Adult General Education (AGE) classes including ESOL, ELCATE, ABE, GED, and Citizenship
  • Up to three (3) trimesters scholarship payments for students enrolled in a career/technical education program including books and supplies

SAVES services are terminated after a student:

  • Has spent five (5) years in the United States
  • Has not progressed and repeated the same AGE class three (3) times
  • Has completed his/her education goals
  • Has become a United States citizen
  • Has relocated outside Miami-Dade County, the service area
  • Requests to be taken out of the program

For more information, visit

Financial Aid Programs